Kate Edgar
The Last Hippie and the Grateful Dead
Dr. Sacks's essay "The Last Hippie" is the basis for the new feature film, The Music Never Stopped, directed by [...]
Music, Metals, and Learning
The Mind’s Eye is available now in English, German, Dutch, and Portuguese (Brazil), with more translations on the [...]
Footnote of the Month: January 2011
What are the “minor metals,” so-called? They are metals not traded on the London Metal Exchange, but they [...]
Wrapping up 2010
Season's Greetings from the Sacks office! We hope your holidays are full of peaceful moments, firelight (see Dr. [...]
Giving Thanks for Great Readers!
The Mind's Eye is a New York Times Editor’s Choice pick this week. Okay, so Keith Richards’ autobiography [...]
The Mind’s Eye is now available!
October 26, 2010 The Mind's Eye launches today!** In hardcover, large type, e-book, and audio editions. Check out [...]
The Mind’s Eye book tour
It's only a few more weeks until Dr. Sacks’s new book, The Mind’s Eye, is published in hardcover, [...]
Gotta Dance!
In Musicophilia, Dr. Sacks writes about music and its therapeutic effects for movement disorders like Parkinson’s disease and Tourette’s [...]
Footnote of the Month: August 2010
Bravo to the Mark Morris Dance Group for their pioneering program bringing music, and dance, to people with [...]