Kate Edgar
Reading, writing and evolution
Reading and writing: do they go together like love and marriage? Well, it turns out the story is [...]
Footnote of the Month: July 2010
People with alexia can see perfectly well, but their brains lose the ability to decipher words and letters. [...]
Dr. Sacks's favorite creatures are cephalopods: squids, octopus, cuttlefish, nautilus--all those mollusks that have neurons not only in [...]
Footnote of the Month: June 2010
"Stereo Sue," a chapter in The Mind's Eye, is about Sue Barry, a neurobiologist who suddenly acquires stereopsis, [...]
iPad apps, literary journals, science festivals
In a somewhat circuitous way, Dr. Sacks's Uncle Tungsten has inspired a hot new iPad app by Theodore [...]
The Mind’s Eye coming in October 2010!
Dr. Sacks just delivered the manuscript for his new book, The Mind's Eye, to his publishers. Alfred A. [...]
Footnote of the Month: May 2010
Writing, a cultural tool, has evolved to make use of the inferotemporal neurons' preference for certain shapes. "Letter [...]
Footnote of the Month: April 2010
We often talk about which sense we would choose to lose, if we had to give one up. [...]
Footnote of the Month: March 2010
Last week, production started on a new feature film directed by Jim Kohlberg and based on Dr. Sacks's [...]