Remembering Oliver Sacks
Dear Friends, As we mark the one-year anniversary of Dr. Sacks’s death on August 30, we are grateful for your messages of support, and for the fact that his work lives on. (Indeed, the Sacks office is currently putting the finishing touches on a new book of his essays to be published in the fall of 2017. Stay tuned for updates!) This week saw the publication of two wonderful reminiscences of Oliver you will not want to miss: Bill Hayes, Oliver’s partner, just published this gorgeous and moving New York Times piece on life with Oliver, describing some unexpected Sacksian moments. We can’t wait for Bill’s forthcoming book Insomniac City: New York, Oliver, and Me, coming next Valentine’s Day. And The New Yorker published a lovely remembrance of biking with Oliver by his good friend Orrin Devinsky (pictured below). With gratitude, Photo credits: top, Andrea Artz/Redux via the New Yorker; middle, Henri Cole; bottom, courtesy Orrin Devinsky |